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Jan 29 2021


Fei Gao

Pizza Cup

On the 4th floor in our Elementary School (ES) building, our Grade 5s were cooking up a Pizza Cup! Before entering the ES kitchen, a wonderful teaching and learning resource, the contesting teams carefully researched, learned and devised a timeline of plans to produce the ultimate Pizza Cup. Kitchen safety, dough recipes, measurement, time management and hospitality were all kneaded together for an exciting experience. Staff member panelists were invited, strategically, to taste and rate the tangy triangles.


The Bite of BCIS

In the Secondary School (SS) the ground floor was a busy food market, with multiple stalls scattered around throughout the week. Our Grade 12's Business unit provided the opportunity for them to create micro-businesses! They studied their consumers, analyzed manufacturing and operating costs, explored branding and marketing, while striving for the most sustainable solutions. Fellow students and staff were eager to support and savor their daily BCIS bites.


EcoWarriors in Action

Later in the month, our ES EcoWarriors sponsored a Climate Action Week, challenging students with daily objectives. The week's plan sparked new habits and helped the BCIS community to achieve a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. As part of our BCIS mission – "to challenge and empower students ... for the good of all and the sustainable development of the world" – a sustainable approach to mental and physical health is within this mission. Wellness Wednesday's morning Tabata workout reminded us to enjoy and take care, every day.


Immigration Imitation

Here in Beijing City International School (BCIS) experiential learning takes place in the most creative ways for authentic learning experiences, while providing opportunities to practice compassion. Our Grade 4s immersed themselves in an Ellis Island immigration simulation, brilliantly brought to life by our teachers and teaching assistants! Each student had a different alias, some as families, and underwent the inspection processes from immigration, medical and legal officers. Although a young man said he was in "poor condition and so I think I can only come for a holiday", the students had an exhilarating morning experiencing immigrating to a new country.



Toward the end of the month, our Grade 6 students began their Steampunk Mask Project. The visual arts project allows students to express themselves and engage their imaginations while dealing with ongoing challenges of living life and making art during the Covid-19 pandemic. The project began with face casting in paper and continues to completion using recycled materials to construct the ambitious masks.
