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Jun 05 2020


Dennis Wang

Another momentous day on Monday, June 1st, as our Secondary School (SS) students returned to Beijing City International School (BCIS), bringing another wave of excitement to the main campus. We excitedly welcomed our Grades 6 – 11 students back with cheers from our teachers, admin staff and our BCIS Warrior Horse mascot.

The #BCISpirit was definitely in the air as students arrived, with energy bouncing back and forth from smile to smile and wave to wave.

Throughout the day temperature checks, social-distancing and disinfection measures were taken to maintain the healthy environment for our students to enjoy their beloved school and continue their blended learning. With more laughter and life returning to the corridors, our new normal is looking up.

We are one step closer to the day when our campuses will be full again. We look forward to another momentous Monday next week when we start welcoming our Elementary School students back!