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    • To inspire and nurture exceptional talents for students who embody and exemplify the BCIS mission and vision

    • To invest in the personal, creative and intellectual development of extraordinary students

    • To promote excellence in BCIS Secondary School

    • To encourage each student to give back to their community and actively support the BCIS Alumni Network


  • Demonstrate exceptional performance in one or more areas

  • Use curiosity to explore, develop and express a range of ideas that challenge their own understandings, beliefs and emotions

  • Seek challenges, overcome difficulties and persevere while learning from failure

  • Demonstrate critical thinking through ethical problem solving to find creative solutions to complex issues

  • Model compassion by respecting the perspectives of,and caring for, others, and leading positive change for individuals and the community, locally and/or globally


For students NOT currently attending BCIS:

  • BCIS Future Leaders Scholarship – for exceptional students entering Grades 9/10/11/12 who demonstrate academic excellence, strong leadership and collaboration skills.

    - Outstanding academic achievements
    - Strong English proficiency
    - Proactive with leadership and collaboration skills
    - Exceptional personal interests and skills

  • BCIS APEX Innovators Scholarship  for exceptional students entering Grades 9/10/11/12 who demonstrate innovative thinking and entrepreneurial drive.

    - Innovative Thinking and Entrepreneurial Drive
    - Technology Literacy
    - Global Vision and Service Commitment

For students currently attending BCIS:

  • BCIS Academic Scholarshipfor students entering Grades 11 and 12 who demonstrate consistently high academic achievement across ALL subject areas

  • BCIS Merit Scholarship – for students entering Grades 11 and 12 who demonstrate exceptional performance and outstanding potential in a specific field or way of thinking (e.g. sport, film making, technology etc.)

    Founder’s Scholarships are awarded for Academic or Merit to students who truly embody the BCIS mission.


  • Students of all nationalities (Chinese and international)

NOTE: BCIS Scholarship recipients are required to:

  • complete High School at BCIS

  • study either the full diploma programme or the BCIS IDEATE Program in Grades 11 - 12


BCIS awards 100% and 50% Future Leaders Scholarships to extraordinary students who demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievements

  • Strong English proficiency

  • Proactive with leadership and collaboration skills

  • Exceptional personal interests and skills

Students applying for a BCIS Future Leaders Scholarship are required to:

  • Write a 600 - 800 word essay (essay title provided at time of application)

  • Provide the names and email addresses of two teachers who can complete a recommendation form for you. We will email the recommendation form directly to the teachers. The recommendation form will include:

    • Evidence of your outstanding leadership and collaboration

    • A character recommendation

    • Contributions to the community
  • Submit supporting portfolio of evidence (eg previous school records, external examination results, awards, certificates, letters of commendation, testimonials, examples of work, photos, videos etc.
  • Complete an interview with the BCIS Scholarship Committee, including a faculty member with expertise in the area of excellence specified by the student (for shortlisted candidates)

BCIS Future Leaders Scholarships are renewed annually until the student graduates from BCIS, subject to an annual review of student progress based on the following criteria:

  1. Excellent end of year academic achievement report

  2. Evidence of ongoing leadership and collaboration

  3. Outstanding service to the community

  4. Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers, and other members of the BCIS community

  5. Excellent attendance record

BCIS awards 100% and 50% APEX Innovators Scholarships to extraordinary students who demonstrate:

  • Innovative Thinking and Entrepreneurial Drive

  • Technology Literacy

  • Global Vision and Service Commitment

Students applying for a BCIS APEX Innovators Scholarship are required to:

  • Write a 600 - 800 word essay (essay title provided at time of application)

  • Provide the names and email addresses of two teachers who can complete a recommendation form for you. We will email the recommendation form directly to the teachers. The recommendation form will include:

    • Evidence of your innovative thinking, entrepreneurial drive and technology literacy

    • Contributions to the community

    • A character recommendation

  • Submit supporting documentary evidence (e.g. previous school records, external examination results, awards, certificates, testimonials, published work etc.)

  • Complete an interview with the BCIS Scholarship Committee (for shortlisted candidates)

BCIS APEX Innovators Scholarships are renewed annually until the student graduates from BCIS, subject to an annual review of student progress based on the following criteria:

  1. Excellent end of year academic achievement report

  2. Evidence of ongoing innovative thinking, entrepreneurial drive and technology literacy

  3. Outstanding global vision and service to the community

  4. Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers, and other members of the BCIS community

  5. Excellent attendance record

BCIS awards 100% and 50% Academic Scholarships to extraordinary students who:

  • Demonstrate consistently high academic achievement across ALL subject areas.

  • Exemplify and embody the BCIS mission and vision

Students applying for a BCIS Academic Scholarship are required to:

  • Write a 600 - 800 word essay (essay title provided at time of application)

  • Provide the names and email addresses of two teachers who can complete a recommendation form for you. We will email the recommendation form directly to the teachers. The recommendation form will include:

    • Areas of academic excellence and achievements

    • A character recommendation

    • Contributions to the community
  • Submit supporting documentary evidence (e.g: external examination results, awards, certificates, testimonials, published work etc.)

  • Complete an interview with the BCIS Scholarship Committee (for shortlisted candidates)

BCIS Academic Scholarships are renewed annually until the student graduates from BCIS, subject to an annual review of student progress based on the following criteria:

  1. Excellent end of year academic achievement report

  2. The award of Honors or High Honors for each semester

  3. Outstanding service to the community

  4. Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers, and other members of the BCIS community

  5. Excellent attendance record

BCIS awards 100% and 50% Merit Scholarships to extraordinary students who:

  • Demonstrate exceptional performance and outstanding potential in a specific field or way of thinking (eg sport, writing, the arts, mathematics, science, creativity, film making, technology etc).

Exemplify and embody the BCIS mission and vision

Students applying for a BCIS Merit Scholarship are required to:

  • Write a 600 - 800 word essay (essay title provided at time of application

  • Provide the names and email addresses of two teachers who can complete a recommendation form for you. We will email the recommendation form directly to the teachers. The recommendation form will include:

    • Areas of academic excellence and achievements

    • A character recommendation

    • Contributions to the community

  • Submit supporting portfolio of evidence (eg: external examination results, awards, certificates, letters of commendation, testimonials, examples of work, photos, videos etc.)

  • Complete an interview with the BCIS Scholarship Committee, including a faculty member with expertise in the area of excellence specified by the student (for shortlisted candidates)

BCIS Merit Scholarships are renewed annually until the student graduates from BCIS, subject to an annual review of student progress based on the following criteria:

    • Evidence of continuing excellence in the specified area of merit

    • Excellent end of year academic achievement report

    • Evidence of willingness to nurture others in the specific area of merit (eg leading an enrichment activity)

    • Outstanding service to the community

    • Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers, and other members of the BCIS community

    • Excellent attendance record


  • BCIS Scholarship applications open on 1 February

  • BCIS Scholarship applications close on 21 June (External Applicants)

  • Scholarship interviews occur during April and May

  • Applicants will be notified in writing before 31 May by BCIS Admissions

  • Note: additional external scholarships applications may be considered until 1 August for new families moving to Beijing


  • Students CURRENTLY ATTENDING BCIS – submit your scholarship applications as directed by BCIS Secondary School Principal

  • Students NOT CURRENTLY ATTENDING BCIS – complete the BCIS online admissions process and submit your scholarship application to BCIS Admissions (


Please contact BCIS Admissions or the BCIS Secondary School Principal if you have any questions.

BCIS Tel: (86)010 8771 7171

BCIS Admissions Office

BCIS Secondary School