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Nov 27 2020


Fei Gao

Marble Painting

Creative ideas begin young. Our Early Childhood Center (ECC) Nursery students were inspired by abstract expressionist, Jackson Pollock, to learn action painting. Each little artist held a box with a piece of paper inside, added a few blobs of colorful paint and sprinkled a couple marbles to roll around creating a city of lines.


Chinese Traditional Teatime

Our Nursery students at Beijing City International School (BCIS) learned more about our Chinese roots through the art of traditional tea making. Individually our students cleansed the cups, using the correct utensils, brewing, pouring, serving and tasting their sweet, fresh lemon tea!


Easy as 1, 2, 3

BCIS' Teaching and Learning Kitchens are an incredible and popular resource. Our Kindergarten students have been busy making their very own pizzas and ice-cream through fun hands-on learning. Proof is certainly in the pudding as our students smiled with satisfaction after each nibble.


Net Zero Heroes

In the Elementary School (ES) our Grade 3s enjoyed a talk by guest speaker, Callum Douglas, on becoming Net Zero Heroes. Our environmentally conscious students eagerly participated in discussing their personal strategies, to be the change, and attain our global target.


Chinese Class Debating

As part of our IB curriculum and the roots of BCIS, our students experience the benefits of a multicultural and multilingual learning environment. Our Secondary School (SS) expatriate students from differing grades debated about whether a one or two child household is better.


Annual Musical Recital

To quote Dom Halliday, SS music teacher: "this is the first time we have all been able to enjoy music together in the theatre in a long time". These words marked an extraordinary evening of musical talent shared by our creative, musical performers.


Get into Shorts

Another annual arts feast took place in the SS, as our dramatic arts students entertained audiences for three nights. With a series of short one-act group plays, these shorts packed a lot of punch. Our drama students love the whole act – writing, directing, producing and acting in these diverse and captivating short plays.
