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Feb 14 2020


Dennis Wang

The BCIS mission is to challenge and empower students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and for the sustainable development of the world. Our holistic learning approach and our community's #BCISpirit fosters a sense of care that extends to the local, national and international community. Following the coronavirus outbreak, some of our Grade 7 students were so concerned about those in Hubei province severely impacted by the outbreak, that they independently organized a donation drive to raise money to purchase medical goods to support those on the frontlines. The student-led initiative saw over 100 BCIS students, parents, teachers and community members donate a total of RMB17,390 which purchased 2,400 medical masks that were donated to the First People's Hospital of Tianmen City, Hubei Province.

Students Lily, April, Eva and Cecilia, who began this initiative, were closely following the developments in Hubei province and decided to take action after researching the different ways they could help. Flora, a student who donated to this project, commented that as BCIS students they were familiar with participating in volunteering and fundraising projects and were moved by the passion of their classmates. Many of those who donated, having seen the need for supplies in seriously impacted areas, were happy to contribute and hoped that their donations would be able to support those in need.

From the Terry Fox Run, the Christmas Bazaar, Spring in the City fundraising for "Help a Child Smile", fundraising for the Australian bush fires, to this donation drive, BCIS students have shown that they are socially responsible individuals who take action to help others. This generous and inspiring initiative by BCIS students is one of thousands of heartwarming acts of kindness done for those fighting the outbreak, we are immensely proud of our students for organizing this drive and our community for making a meaningful contribution. A huge thank you to the student organizers and all the community members who supported this initiative.

For our Chinese readers, take a look below for a letter written by the student organizers as well as the confirmation of donation letter from the First People's Hospital of Tianmen City, Hubei Province.


于是Lily, April, Eva, Cecilia我们四个作为发起⼈自发地组织了这次募捐活动。通过微博、微信这样的社交平台进行宣传,提高人们对这次新型冠状病毒的防护意识,并且发动周围的人参与到这次募捐行动中,为湖北地区需要帮助的人们做出一份贡献。一从开始只有我们四个人,但很快影响力开始传播,越来越多的人参加到这个活动⾥来。我们周围的同学、老师、亲⼈、朋友,都渐渐开始关注这个话题,并奉献出了他们的一臂之力。参与的⼈数陆续增加到了近百人。而我们筹集到的善款数⽬也越滚越⼤,从开始的两千元,到五千,到一万,一直滚到最后的一万七千三百九十元。我们的贡献并不大,四个人能做的也微乎其微,最终帮助这件事情顺利完成的是团结坚定的意念和捐款组⼼存善良的人们。参与捐款的同学不仅是我们7年级的,还有中学部其他年级的同学,甚至还有很多小学学生。





